GleamHR is Pakistan’s first AI-powered recruitment startup! Click here to learn more

What’s New

Lets check out Upcoming features of GleamHR


May 2023

New What's New

  • Admin/Custom Role can generate payroll batch on the basis of pay schedule.
  • Admin/Custom Role can view history of a batch.
  • Payroll Approver can change status of one or more payrolls at the same time to pay/hold/reject while viewing payrolls in a batch and approve/disapprove a batch.
  • Admin/Custom Role/Payroll Approver can view the actual number of payrolls available in a batch except hold/reject.
  • Admin/Custom Role/Payroll Approver can view the actual number of payrolls available in a batch.
  • Admin/Custom Role/Payroll Approver can view the actual amount of all payrolls available in a batch.
  • Admin/Custom Role/Payroll Approver can view the actual amount of all payrolls available in a batch except hold/reject.
  • System verifies domain and then creates a tenant and POC in system against details received from
  • Only one company detail can be added in system.
  • As an Admin/Custom Role, I should be able to set mobile attendance permission in attendance type with geofencing
  • User can set permanent address same as current address.
  • System displays employee mobile number with their payroll in payroll batch.
  • Master Admin can review and approve newly added tenant through
  • System creates database and domain when a tenant is approved.
  • Admin/Custom Role can select different field types for custom questions while creating/editing job.
  • Master Admin can only access system using specified domain.

What’s fixed

  • Fixed ambiguities in attendance from attendance devices.
  • Fixed Google Maps not working issue in complete system.
  • Fixes in approval history of broken approvals.
  • Fixes for email content, format for emails in complete system.
  • Master Admin can set any number of days of plan expiry notifications.

April 2023

New What's New

  • Admin/Custom role can generate payrolls in batch form.
  • Approver/Admin/Custom role can delete a batch anytime.
  • Approver/Admin/Custom role can view payrolls available in a batch.
  • Approver/Admin/Custom role can export payrolls in a batch.
  • Approver/Admin/Custom role can view a dropdown filter with batches on top of batches table.
  • Admin/Custom role can send a batch for approval through a button after reviewing payrolls in a batch.
  • Admin/Custom role can re-create a same batch.
  • Improvements in work from home listing.
  • Improvements in flight risk score module.

What’s fixed

  • Fixed server error while opening org-chart.
  • Fixed payroll approval not working as per hierarchy.
  • Fixes in time off and employees module.
  • Addition of father name field validation.

March 2023

New What's New

  • Master admin user added in system.
  • Admin can view flight risk score for all employees.
  • Admin can manage access for flight risk scores for custom roles.
  • Admin can manage access for flight risk scores for individual users.
  • Admin can view report for the employees flight risk score history.
  • Admin can view employees' flight risk scores from the AI retention module.
  • Master admin can add a client as a tenant in Gleam HR.
  • Master admin can view all tenants.
  • Master admin can enable/disable a tenant.
  • Master admin can add types for POCs.
  • Master admin can delete types for POCs.
  • Master admin can edit types for POCs.
  • Master admin can add multiple POCs for a client.
  • Removed multiple instances of GleamHR from server and use of single instance of GleamHR for multiple companies to achieve multitenancy.
  • System can manage multiple companies databases from a centralized location.
  • Admin can view applicants suitability scores from the AI recruitment module.
  • Admin can view the parsed details of job applicants from their CVs.
  • Approval approver can see approval history on approval notification.
  • Master admin can enable/disable the AI recruitment module for a tenant.
  • Master admin can create a plan type.
  • Master admin can edit a plan type.
  • Master admin can create a free plan for a client.
  • Master admin can delete a plan type.
  • Master admin can assign the plan for a tenant.
  • Master admin can edit a plan.
  • Master admin can create a trial plan for a client.
  • Master admin can create a plan for tenants to subscribe.
  • Master admin can add or remove modules to a specific plan.
  • Master admin can enable/disable the AI retention module for a tenant.
  • Master admin can add/edit a payment method to GleamHR for tenants.
  • Admin can set a schedule for administering a satisfaction survey.
  • Master admin can assign a time duration for a free plan.
  • Master admin can assign a time duration for a trial plan.
  • Master admin can view the usage of the AI retention module for a tenant.
  • Master admin can view the usage of the AI recruitment module for a tenant.
  • Master admin can add employee job and employment status details while creating/editing employee.
  • Improvements in CV parsing module.
  • Master admin can generate a report for the subscription history of a client.
  • Master admin can add a manual payment method for a tenant.
  • Master admin can switch the payment method for a tenant from manual to online recurring.
  • Master admin can add payment proof for a client whose payment method is manual.
  • Master admin can set a notification schedule for a client on a free plan to remind them when their free plan duration is ending.
  • Master admin can set a notification schedule for a client on a trial plan to remind them when their trial plan duration is ending.
  • System can auto create sub-domain for tenant from GoDaddy through API.
  • System restricts tenants to add a number of employees as per assigned plan.
  • Master admin can assign a payment schedule to a plan.
  • Enhancements on holidays page and addition of calendar button with holiday.
  • Addition of employees father name field.
  • Master admin can set a notification schedule for a client to remind them when there payment is due whose payment method is manual.

What’s fixed

  • Fixed inactive Employees showing up in dropdowns.
  • Fixed error on expense/reimbursement page.
  • Fixed error in automatic payroll generation.

February 2023

New What's New

  • Admin/Custom Role, can see employees reimbursement approvals history.
  • The admin/Custom Role, can add approval for the asset requests.
  • System includes updated functionality of ML modules.
  • Employee can submit satisfaction test.
  • Reorganization of  sidebar menu items.
  • Removal of time off type for simplification of time off module.
  • Manager receives notification when subordinate employees request for time off.
  • Manager receives notification a day before when subordinate employee will be going on leave.
  • System can handle broken approval for time off requests.
  • System can manage multiple companies from a single instance of GleamHR using multitenancy.
  • System updates temporary payrolls when time off request status turns to approved.
  • Admin/Custom Role, can add approval for the asset maintenance requests.
  • Applicants page load time reduced.
  • System automatically adds asset deduction amounts to payroll when according to asset policy.when asset is damaged/lost etc.
  • Employee can login GleamHR mobile app.
  • Activation/deactivation of Gleam HR modules.  

What’s fixed

  • Fixed error when generating salary slip.
  • Fixed errors when updating broken approval person.
  • Fixed issues and improvements in hiring module.
  • Enhancements and color customization option for ATS.
  • System creates new pay dates against all pay schedule on new year.

January 2023

New What's New

  • Employee can request timeoff cancellation after time off approval.
  • Manager receives leave request notification.
  • Reduction in generate all payrolls page loading time.
  • Admin/Custom Role, can add approval for the work-from-home requests.
  • Manager/Custom role can approve and disapprove work-from-home requests.
  • Employee receiveds a notification when her/his employment status is changed.
  • System sends contact us mail to multiple clients.
  • Admin/HR receives notification of the information update.
  • Approval requested by as well as requested for name appears in approval request.
  • Applicant can add his/her mobile number.
  • Addition of designation, department and location filter on applicants page.

What’s fixed

  • Fixed error in case of broken approval.
  • Fixed error while updating expense request.
  • Fixed requester's name should be in the expense request.
  • Fixed error message when assigning access level.
  • Fixed the errors in approvals history for multi-level approval hierarchy.
  • Fixed admin name should be visible in filters in system
  • Fixed system behavior for broken and unbroken approval.
  • Fixed error while adding some benefit plans.

December 2022

New What's New

  • Reorganization of sidebar menu items.
  • New employee, receives welcome email.
  • Addition of employee username in the system.
  • Employee is notified when his/her role is changed.
  • Job applicant can be deleted from the system.
  • Separation of birthdays and anniversaries in celebration section of the dashboard.
  • Admin/Custom Role, can see employees all approvals histories.
  • Manager can view employee approval history for those features for which he/she has permissions.
  • Employee can login using his/her username.
  • Device and web application attendance permission can be given to employees.
  • Custom role can set payroll processed status.
  • UI to manage attendance device details.
  • The admin/Custom Role can see employees payroll approvals history.
  • Improvements in export attendance sheet.
  • Automatic payroll generation.
  • Attached bill can be viewed in reimbursement.
  • File extension validation in documents and employee documents.

What’s fixed

  • Fixed job opening location cannot be updated.
  • Fixed the description text length error in engagement poll
  • Fixed stretched chapter title image.
  • Fixed the error while adding designation.
  • Expense requests follows approval hierarchy, regardless of role.
  • Fixed error while downloading salary slip.
  • Fixed permission error when pressing back button on employee document show page.
  • Fixed arrangement of data in payroll export sheet.
  • Fixed error when “Generate Payroll” button clicked.
  • Fixed datatable error on payroll index page.
  • Fixed duplicate entries in export payroll sheet.
  • Font can be changed in rich text editor in company handbook.
  • After session expires user redirects to login page.
  • Fixed deletion of approval in case of broken approval.
  • Fixed error in automatic payroll generation.
  • Fixed error when adding employee from add employee button.

November 2022

New What's New

  • Integration of ZKTeco attendance device with GHR.
  • Admin can view attendance updates on dashboard.
  • Addition of functionality to notify support if ZKTeco device is unable to connect with the system within 10 minutes.
  • Desired job location option available to an applicant applying for a job.
  • Auto Incremented employee ID.
  • HR can set organogram in the system.
  • Current employee status count visible to admin/HR on dashboard.
  • Employee can get email with the salary slip.
  • Organizational chart visible to the employees.

What’s fixed

  • Attendance checkout issue at end of month.
  • While approving information update, previous information of employees is visible in approval.
  • Inbox issues.
  • Image can be uploaded inside text editor in handbook.
  • Time off calculation issues.

October 2022

New What's New

  • Employee salary management module.
  • One click payroll generation.
  • Manager can request Reimbursement Amount for an employee.
  • HR can make decisions on Reimbursement for an employee.
  • Addition of Reimbursement amount for an employee by HR.
  • Admin/HR can add tax slabs.
  • Admin/HR can add job applicants.
  • Admin/HR can export employees.
  • Automatic Payroll generation enable/disable option for an HR.
  • Employee can make request for Reimbursement amount.
  • Payroll details can be viewed by an employee.
  • Addition of approval for payroll.
  • Admin/HR can view and download attendance reports.
  • Admin/HR can view and download time off report.
  • Admin has approval option for payment of expenses.
  • Employee can add multiple images as expense proof.
  • Addition of financial year to the system for an admin.
  • HR can approve/disapprove payroll with taxation.
  • Employee can mark attendance from dashboard.

What’s fixed

  • Attendance page load issue
  • Education type permission issue
  • Fixes and design changes in asset module comments section
  • Issue for leave request notification.
  • Inbox page issues.
  • Single day expense error.
  • White screen issue.
  • Employee should not have access to "Change Reasons".

September 2022

New What's New

  • Employee can request for an asset.
  • Employee can request for maintenance of an asset.
  • Admin/HR can track asset history.
  • Addition of employment status option in approval module.
  • Admin can view employee duration in the system.

What’s fixed

  • Alignment issues in records section on dashboard.
  • Form validation issues in employee appraisal module.
  • Fix for unable to add new employment status.
  • Fix for unable to add more than 6 employees through import sheet.
  • Fixes for job description styling invisible in description section (jobs portal).
  • Design improvements in job listings and apply pages.
  • Fixes for employee location issue.
  • Addition of number of days with number of hours, an employee can request in a time off request.
  • Time off request limit according to policy.
  • Integration of number of hours selection with assigned work schedule while requesting time off.
  • Document view option in employee documents.

August 2022

New What's New

  • Enhancement in hiring packet for onboarding module.
  • Inactive Employee's Policy.
  • As an HR/admin, management of assets.
  • Integration of multiple modules In the approval module. 
  • Email notification feature in approval module.
  • Addition of Multiple approvers in the approval module.
  • Admin/employee success notification enhancement for all modules. 
  • Admin will manage asset lost/damage policy.
  • Email template enabling & candidate updation 
  • Throttle login if 5 login attempts are failed
  • OTP generation for Login through email.
  • HR/admin, the addition of health card for employees in the employee section.
  • Improvements for the hiring modules.
  • AMS updations.

What’s fixed

  • Fixes for Access Level Setting Issue (Ticket # 308).
  • As an admin Dashboard fixes for employees who left.
  • Leave fixes on the dashboard.
  • An appearance of the Dialog box in payroll.
  • Document file size update and deletion fix. 
  • Fixes for employee addition error.
  • Fixes for Feedback on the existing system (Ticket no 317).
  • While creating the Benefit plan and Selecting Variable rate eligibility page is missing.
  • As an admin/HR/Employee fixes for AMS.
  • Email template enabling & candidate updation issue.
  • As an employee, unable to calculate time off.
  • Issues for the hiring module were fixed.

July 2022

New What's New

  • Updates for jobs module.
  • Employees can see the benefit plan assigned by the admin in the benefits tab.
  • Users can view detailed job descriptions (creation of job show page).
  • Applicants can view the list & apply for current job openings.
  • Improvements in the benefit module.
  • Auto-assign time off policy for the Permanent& probationary employees. 
  • Maps & directions API  addition for location in previewing  hiring packet template.
  • In OnBoarding  creation/preview hire packet template functionality 
  • An employee, can specify the total hours in one time off request.

What’s fixed

  • An issue with time off notification.
  • Fixes for leave requests not receiving. 
  • As an admin, While creating benefit plan  Payroll Deduction step is missing on GleamHR page.
  • Error while changing personal information.
  • An issue with Performance Form while creating and editing.

June 2022

New What's New

  • Enhancements in Admin Role.
  • Improved Off boarding task module functionalities.
  • Improved Onboarding task module functionalities.
  • UI of Dashboard made more attractive for GleamHR.
  • Admin/Employee, Heading size should increase on different modules.
  • Work from home requests through the system.
  • Improvements in Admin/Employee, Sidebar menu items.

What’s fixed

  • Fixes for Dropdown for a year in history Time off is not working.
  • An issue with clock out option  not being visible and the wrong dates.
  • Admin, While creating an onboarding task listing issue.
  • An issue While creating a benefits plan, Functionality is missing.
  • Fixes for the accrual option, Dropdown accrual policy.
  • UI fixes on the benefit screen.
  • Unable to see some employees and unable to filter the employees.
  • On the dashboard, charts are not working.

May 2022

New What's New

  • Improved Employee personality assessment before each performance evaluation.
  • Improved Manager/Customer role, if permission is granted, I should be able to send personality assessment forms to selected employees.
  • Admin/Employee, When Accrual Preview Opens Dates should be the same.
  • Modified UI for employee page.
  • Admin/Employee, Alignment issue of text.
  • Responsiveness of screen on hover over sidebar.
  • Created a demo version of GleamHR.
  • Replaced summer note editor with quill editor.

What’s fixed

  • Incorrect value for the field type option.
  • Fixes for attendance issue.
  • Fixes for attendance correction requests create edit and decision functionality.
  • Unable to delete any employee by clicking the delete icon.
  • Layout issue in Applicant Tab.
  • UI fixes for Dashboard.
  • As a Candidate, a Long answer is not accepted for canned questions.

April 2022

New What's New

  • Add personality assessment system functionality.
  • Give access to personality assessment to selected employees.
  • Canned question types in a Job opening.
  • New Time Off Request Mail.
  • updated and adjusted logo on all pages.
  • An employee gets a notification regarding changes made in attendance.
  • Categorize notifications in the inbox.

What’s fixed

  • Updated time off request notification. 
  • An issue with Employee Attendance, Check-in check-out visibility.
  • Entries filtration, More than 100 Employees in the dropdown can be used.
  • Corrections for incorrect monthly, daily, and weekly hours calculations.
  • In Payroll Management, for exporting CSV file checkboxes for user selections to export CSV files for a single employee.
  • An issue with correction requests.
  • An issue with email collapsible improvement in candidate show page.
  • Replace summer note editor with quill editor.
  • Incorrect field type option in edit canned questions.
  • An issue with pumble notifications.

March 2022

New What's New

  • Users should be able to mark their attendance in the system at any hour of the day.
  • Display sent emails on candidate view.
  • Some changes in  filter.
  • If an employee is not completing the day or not working for 8 hours then add a flag to highlight it.
  • Check Entries filters for complete GleamHRM.

What’s fixed

  • Payroll history is empty while payroll status is updated for employees is fixed.
  • An issue with GleamHR Attendance record is not found.
  • An issue with the GleamHR Attendance section not working.
  • Unable to clock in fixed.
  • Fixes for dropdown for selecting no of entries is empty.
  • fixes for Working Hours are not calculating right for Employee's Attendance.

February 2022

New What's New

  • Super Admin/HR Manager can grant/revoke an employee's permission to mark his attendance.
  • Super Admin/Custom Role/Manage is able to view and approve/disapprove past pending time-off requests as well.
  • Users can view any holidays assigned to the employee while previewing the attendance. 
  • HR (Custom Role) can add/edit/delete compensation for the employees.
  • Admin/Custom Role has the ability to export flexible fields and options for attendance and payroll.
  • Addition of hiring date check for new employees in payroll generation.
  • A manager could or could not be able to approve or disapprove direct or indirect time off requests.
  • New Time Off Request Mail.

What’s fixed

  • An issue with dates reuses on denying/cancelation of the request.
  • To/From dates validation missing on time-off request.
  • Clock out reason issue.
  • Incorrect time off request dates selection fixed.
  • Clock in notification Issue.
  • Access issue.
  • Payroll Issue while generating payroll fixed.
  • GleamHR Attendance reconciliation issue with Pumble attendance record is fixed.

January 2022

New What's New

  • Improved Super Admin functionality.
  • Admin can manage SMTP details from the system.
  • Improved employees index page for other than super admin.
  • HR role customization and improvements.
  • The user is able to contact support by contact us page.
  • Added back and front-end validation for "reason for leaving" in attendance.
  • The system should pass all the notifications to queues rather than sending them at runtime.
  • Updation in the Payroll section for admin/custom/HR-manager.

What’s fixed

  • An issue in the attendance management month filter fixed.
  • Update time off issue fixed.
  • Fixes for uploading single employee attendance.
  • Read all notifications button on is not functional is fixed.
  •  One can Add reason for leaving.

December 2021

New What's New

  • Users get notified about performance status.
  • Moved payroll management menu item out of settings.
  • Improved Contact Us page for feedback.
  • Attendance Improvements.
  • Multiple performance review forms customization.

What’s fixed

  • Password Reset Link is now being sent to the correct email.
  • Fixes for Import Attendance Functionality.
  • Sorting and filtering of tables on the Attendance Page is fixed.
  • PTO Issues.

November 2021

New What's New

  • HR manager can generate payroll slips for employees & trigger payroll generation forms for each employee from one place.
  • Attendance can be uploaded in CSV format.
  • Password should not be auto-filled by default.
  • HR manager gets a notification when someone applies for a job and applicant status.
  • Notification is generated to the admin when an employee changes his personal information.
  • HR can bulk upload attendance for individual/multiple employees from one place.

What’s fixed

  • Fixed attendance import functionality.
  • Fixed GleamHRM Issues.
  • Form validation issue on questionnaire create and edit page.
  • Removal of sign-in word duplication from the login page.
  • Change Statuses to "On Leave" -> "Paid  Time off" and "Absent" -> "Leave Without Pay" and keep "weekend" and "holiday" separate.
  • Fixes for Location Index page which is not showing a proper error message if there is no data.
  • An issue with Employee Reports to is not working.

October 2021

New What's New

  • Addition of the Company > Handbook to review policy.
  • HR Manager can assign employees performance reviews to a manager.
  • Added employee salary details.
  • Included non-working days in the work schedule.

What’s fixed

  • Fixes Issues with attendance work schedule.
  • Fixes Issues with attendance status.

September 2021

New What's New

  • Updated Front-End for Hiring Services.
  • Company Handbook Creation to keep Employs Updated with policies.
  • View E-mails sent to candidates.

What’s fixed

  • Integrated Rollbar Error Tracking.